Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Could I have whooping cough and did I crack my rib?

No one believes me that I think I may have whooping cough. 3 weeks ago I noticed a tickle in my throat that gave me a very mild sore throat, then a few days later a very mild cough. I figured both caused by sinus drainage. Then came the watery eyes and sneezing so I figured allergies but didn't have the redness and itchiness I typically get with my seasonal allergies. I started Claritin-D regardless and it didn't touch it. A week into that I found I could not sleep as I felt like I was drowning and coughing hard enough to nearly choke, gasp for air and unfortunately cause some incontinence. I also felt a tightness in my chest Mucinex, Dayquil, Nyquil, etc etc didn't help at all. I did feel warm that week but not warm enough to take my temp but if I were to guess I most likely had a low grade fever. I thought it odd that I felt the best when I went outside, and even when I smoked my menthol cigs considering my allergies are mainly from outside things and typically I can't smoke when I have a cold. I don't cough much at all during the day but towards the evening and at night it's awful. I even have to wear a pad every day because of the incontinence associated with the coughing. The day before I decided to go to the doc at 2 weeks of this, when I was coughing I felt a sharp pain in my front right rib but it hurt worse in the same place on my back like I was run through with a spear. My doctor's P.A. told me I just had an upper respiratory infection and I had a wheeze that caused the pain. She gave me a general antibiotic, Flonase for my allergies, told me Mucinex and more Claritin-D. Now a week later, none of that has helped and the only way I can sleep is with a humidifier, Vicks rub and NyQuil Cold & Flu with Vicks in it. I found out it was the menthol that helped clear my bronchial tubes. The coughing at night is now so bad I get kinda reddish blue in the face after very severe coughing jags that truly leave me breathless and choking, and last night I started throwing up a bit afterward as well and the sound I make when gasping for air does sound odd. The pain in the front has stopped but the pain in my back is almost unbearable at all times. I had stopped using the Flonase and Claritin-D and sure enough it's not my allergies.I was looking up these symptoms online and I match nearly every hallmark of whooping cough. I go back to the doctor tomorrow. Also, if they give me an xray will I have to remove my body jewelry?

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